The tale of PEPE prawn
Pepe Prawn was born different, with a green, froglike face that made him feel out of place among his prawn community.
Though his loving prawn parents cherished him and encouraged his dreams, Pepe longed for a life beyond the ocean, fascinated by the bustling world above the waves.

As he grew, Pepe began to change, becoming more froglike. Determined to follow his heart, he said a tearful goodbye to his parents and ventured to the city.
There, he enrolled in a normal school, where his uniqueness stood out but eventually won him friends.

One day, Pepe met Lily, a beautiful froglike princess, and the two fell deeply in love.
Together, they built a happy life on land, though Pepe never forgot his roots. He often visited his parents and shared stories of his adventures, blending his love for the sea with his new life on land.

Pepe lived happily ever after, embracing both his past and his future, forever proud of where he came from.

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